Abducted Trina Series...

First post of old stuff I have from last year (2013), currently, I'm ditching this style in favor of a new one, so I'll probably update the series in a future... don't know when LOL.

I will post this stuff because DA deleted the second part (You know... politics and stuff).
I don't know if I will eventually delete any porn or nude stuff from DA, and just keep the SFW drawings... I'm not upset with this, indeed, I was surprised this one made it in the gallery al this time... But well... having a pure SFW gallery may sound cool... or not?

Story? Basically, this is my OC Trina, abducted by some nasty aliens...

Sketch and Lineart...

A pair of doodles I got... one done as a warmup yesterday and the other as a quick request for jamesquinn1 from DA added to the queue for coloring.
So, any comments are welcome ;)
Ah... also, this means Requests are closed until I post otherwise, I still need to finish, Xmaster's and Hermoine_Rosalin'as stuff :)

Inviting Lexy (Digital)

Testing my skill... as always, for not getting bored... I decided to redo an old drawing I did traditionally... Onother one in the list for coloring (maybe)
The original is this one

Comments and critiques always welcome