[Story] Livantia Chapter #15: Two Sides to Every Coin

This mimic sure knows what it wants... the problem is that he will encounter something unexpected instead... >_>

With the help of wolfiebynature!

[Comm] Tart & Pochiro Again

I can't blame Blade for liking this couple, they look adorable together :P

Another more lewd variant here!

Commission for BLADEDGE

[Story] Livantia Chapter #14: Mimicking Gold

Playing in a mine is exactly not a good idea, specially if you know something not friendly is inside...

Thanks to WolfiebyNature for his help!


Escape Plans

For some reason, Karen finds herself in the middle of -yet- another problem! Probably a portal brought her into Lery's universe... the problem is that they now were captured by the Universe's Peace Syndicate, how peaceful is to sell two sexy ladies... ¬¬

Anyway, seems Karen has a plan, but Lery... well... she's Lery after all... :V

Karen Gaianni as herself.

Love Bonds

Pretty much an especial way for Ilyse and Karen to celebrate Valentine's Day :V

In any case, you are never constrained to just one day to express how much you love and appreciate your friends and close ones. Hopefully I won't be tagged as too sugar coated :V

For my closest ones, I love you, a lot! I admire you, I appreciate yourself and I respect you as you are! I can't be more thankful for having you next to me! And for my friends, I appreciate you a lot! Thank you for being my friends!

KarenGaianni as herself.

[Comm] Pacifica's Unique Hanging

Part three of this series of commissions featuring Pacifica fulfilling her very unique kink XD.

Dooooon't worry, she will be fine!

Extra version found on my twitter and blog!

Commission for lakanookie

[Comm] Lady Tigre & Chica Tigre

Crime on Paradise City? Nasty people terrorizing others? Lack of good curves? Meet the radical duo, Lady Tigre and Chica Tigre! Badass and able to make you drool :V

Commission for CityHunter77

[Comm] Cynthia gets It

Don't mind them... it's just Sehvet meeting Cynthia... well... it's not their first time... Damn it Sehvet!

(Unposted) Commission and herself: SeraphCynthia

[Story] Livantia Episode #13: Your Typical Village Day…

Nothing like having a small relaxation time... taking a bath, without anything that interrupts you... I guess? In any case others in this village will have some action meanwhile.

Thanks to wolfiebynature for his help.
Kyran Wolf is (c) to him.

Ayane's Feet

Well... why not? Soft soles must be worth of praise, don't you think? ^^

Ayane as herself.

Good Waifu

This is the first time someone asks for pairing one of my waifus, and one of my OC's, and the result was so fun!

Junko is under training, and I gave strict orders to Ginko, the poor kitsune is in trouble :V

The culprit: Hegebat :V

The Art of Foxing

Well, Gabriel's always indulging Trina's kinks. Why not indulge his own a little while he's at it? :V

Aurora is (c) to Jedi515