Year of the Dragon

Some say the year of the Dragon is a good year. Let's hope so!!
Happy new year everyone! Let's continue our journey together and hope for a much better year!

Love ya all!

Fourth Christmas Station: Naughty Girl

Oh... I wonder what she did for deserving this lol!
Still, I am worried about Helen's safety after this... :V

This, peeps, is the fourth and last Station! Hope you enjoyed them!
Merry Christmas!

Third Christmas Station: Milk for Santa

I gotta admit Helen has some creative ideas for keeping Santa happy lol

Don't ask me if he knows...

Christmas Spirit

I don't think this girl knows what she's gotten into... :V Helen... please don't overdo this... >_>

Raffle prize for Protophone feayuring his girl!

Merry Christmas Kon

I wonder who that Lion Trader is :V Probably someone I know and I like :V

Featuring CP444's Kon! Winner of one of this season's raffles

[Comm] Xmas Tree

"Remember, if Santa finds it, you are gonna let him or his wife fuck your ass..."
"Really? Is that a rule or something?"
"Totally, dear..."

Counting he has a wife nowadays... :V

For: CP444

[Comm] Christmas Under the Mistletoe

Oh, this Xun-Feng easily falling in love... Just be a bit tender under a mistletoe and boom :V

For: {fa:MaxBass0573}

[Comm] PuffTaste

I bet this is the best recipe ever :V

For: GenesisRabbit

[Comm] Santas Helper

I have the idea Ivan is getting an approval for leading the sleight... Or for being Helen's lover... or both!
First depiction of helen after being created in 2006! Weee!

For Spectre626

Second Christmas Station: Chinese Christmas Tree

I still ignore how Xun-Feng got involved herself with Helen... but at least she's making for an "Art-Noveau" Christmas tree for the season XD.


[Comm] Krystalizing a Date

A date with Krystal is a night of fun X3

For: DarkMageDragon

First Christmas Station: Mission Failed

Oh... Apparently Lery didn't have a chance against the "Ice Queen". Now Helen is negotiating a visit to santa XD.


Character Bios Series: Xun-Feng

A new ref sheet! And this time for this chinese babe I've got rolling around: Xun-Feng. Hope you like.

Small Note: Xun has passed through many romantic affairs and relations. Currently in Ninja Trina, her romantic interest is no other than Marcella Flannery owned by MaxBass, a good friend of mine.

[Comm] Beach Dejavu

Trina, Horsedad already knows it's you (somehow because he doesn't know how you are now a fox XD), oh well...

For: Spectre626

November SI: Best Turkelf

 Malware is pretty aware this recipe is the best she could bring lol!

Especial Illustration for this month, enjoy!!!
Malware (c) AJVulpes

[Comm] Coffee Break

Nothing like a little gossip to feel alive :V

[Comm] Inn for the Night

Remember to breed your friends regularily :V
For: Darmalus

Stream Raffles are Back and Ninja Trina Hiatus

So, stream commissions are over until February of next year, BUT, remember we got stream raffles. This season I'll be holding some as usual for you guys, let us have some fun in the best season of the year X3

Also, I am letting you know the comic will hold an hiatus during December. I'll be back working on it on January.

Thanks a bunch for the patience and support, I love you all!


[Comm] Xtreme Milking

This is more Xtreme than anything else mate :V

[Comm] Never Surrender

You never surrender to pleasure? Naaaaaah! :V
For: Draco

Ninja Trina Vol. #1 - Pg. 25

I kinda feel it was an excuse for this lol.

Support this little silliness and get early access, full resolution, on my SubscribeStar!

Your support will be much appreciated! <3

[Comm] The New Vixen


Miyako found another readhead to train into the good stuff! Enjoy!
For: MiyakoFox

[Comm] New Merch

You gotta have a good taste of that merch before selling :V
For: fa:CP444

[Comm] Soapy and Messy

Gotta get squeaky clean! :V

Cara and Ed: Caramel-kitteh

Ninja Trina Vol. #1 - Pg. 24

Fishnets make everyone look good I guess... or what you think? :V

Support this little silliness and get early access, full resolution, on my SubscribeStar!

Your support will be much appreciated! <3

[Comm] Carry On

Honestly, these streams are a total win! :V
For: WingBlack

[Comm] Favorite of the Goddess

Nyrissia is pretty lucky X3, Anak's Championis gonna breed her!
At this point... who's luckier? Nyrissia ir Attilius? XD

Attilius and work: Spenji
Nyrissia: PowerBlade3

[Comm] Cosplay VIP

Between barbarians, they know how to tease each other :V
For: CityHunter77

Holiday Break 2023!

Final list of the year has been done! This means I'm entering my holliday break as usual, to return back fresh on February! Remember Stream commissions end at the end of November!

Thanks a lot for your support guys, I love you all!



[Comm] Halloween Club

Halloween might be over, but not for these two man, that's for sure!
For: Spectre626

Furrypop Chainsaw

Apparently, this is gonna be a good adventure for both :V
For Yawg's past birthday!

Happy belated birthday mate!

[Comm] Pick-Nic

Careful, if you keep making "sucky" puns, she might get thirsty :V


[Comm] Attack of the Horny Gals

A virus spreads through the earth, are you able to survive one night of... SEX? :V

For: CP444

October SI: Halloween Coven

October, month of Covens! Arietta, Lynn and Mistyk clearly want some of that fun, right?
Special Illustration for this month! Hope you like it!

Arietta is (c) to me
Lynn (c) Keza/Wolfiebynature
Mistik (c) FiveFangsDraws

[Comm] Pizza Anyone?


At this point, they should be really used to Alice doing that lol :V

Alice and work: AJVulpes

[Comm] Vampiric Bondage

Dunno you guys, but I think Akiko is learning to have a variety of fun duriung Halloween XD
This friendship with Trina is being good for her :V

Akiko & Work: PowerBlade3
Countessa: Keza