Well, now that Ilyse and company could enter Adamant, they will be able to participate in the Vibratta Flower Festival... Yeah, not your typical fairy festival...
Thank you so much to wolfiebynature for his help!
Levi, the cute femboy fairy is his character.
Through the nectar of the purple flower, inside her crystal palace, the Mother of Fairies was watching the entrance of Adammant. Her attention had been drawn by the naked redhead elf standing by the massive doors. She was beautiful, but aside from that, there was something else that was keeping the Mother's eyes on her.
She was told months ago about a future visit to her kingdom; A redhead elf, bare skinned, and displaying the main trait of the royal bloodline: her golden triangular gem on her forehead, symbol of their status and… power. There she was, standing at the entrance, hoping to get a place to stay and reorganize herself… exactly the vision she was foretold…
The guards at the entrance were hesitant about letting the elf going in, though not because they considered her dangerous or harmful. Their concerns leaned more towards the Vibratta Flower Festival. It was the greatest event for the fairies, as it ensured protection and powerful magic for the kingdom. Strangers could be an issue for an event that concerned only fairies.
Devany struggled to convince them, trying to explain Ilyse’s deplorable situation. But their stance was solid; this could harm the festival and the well-being of all the fairies, so she couldn’t be allowed to enter the kingdom, at least not until the festival was over. Fortunately, a sweet and recognizable voice for the guards and Devany echoed through the entrance door.
“It’s okay, please let them in… I permit it.” The Mother Fairy granted. She had some plans after the festival celebration.
Before the Mother's voice spoke out, Ilyse was despaired and desperate, thinking she would have to look for another place to stay. That voice was a shining hope she desperately needed.
Following their orders, the guards turned to Ilyse. “Well, before you can get in, we have to adjust something, for the safety of our kingdom…” Another one of the guards proclaimed. “Please stand still…”
The two guards surrounded the elf, who was enticed looking at them, flying in circles, letting magical light flow from their wings. The magic was strong and warm, covering all of her soft skin. A greenish intense aura from her started to react, causing her to shrink from her normal size. After a few seconds of an eye-blinding glow, she reached the tiny size of a fairy, growing wings and two antlers on top of her head, just like Devany’s.
The blue-haired fairy was curious at that scene; watching the transformation of visitors into temporary fairies was something she enjoyed. Levi also witnessed the magic working, rather enticed. It wasn't common to see such a thing.
“All done, you are welcome!” The guard smiled.
The doors of Adammant opened slowly, revealing a shiny light from inside. It was so bright that Ilyse wasn’t able to tell how the city looked until after a few seconds as her eyes adjusted to the intense light.
“C’mon, let’s go in!” Devany invited the elf happily. She noticed Ilyse trying to walk in, which made her giggle. “Noooo… don’t do that! You are a temporary fairy now; you can fly! Give it a try!”
“And… how –exactly- am I supposed to do that?” Ilyse responded pouting.
“It’s easy, you just need to want to fly!" Devany told her "It’s automatic! All fairies do it!”
"Not all fairies." Levi chimed in. "You mean you just have to want to do it?" In his homeland, fairies had to learn to fly via moving their wings like muscles.
"Yep! But the cutie is one of my fairy kind, so it should work for her how it does for us!" Devany replied.
The elf was still clueless. “Except I’m NOT a fairy… or was, to be more specific…”
Levi flew around Ilyse, while Devany continued speaking to her. “It’s just a matter of doing it, more than thinking it!”
The redhead fairy decided to interfere in this lesson. He stood behind Ilyse and pushed her over, knowing that he could catch her if she didn't fly.
Losing her balance, Ilyse was about to fall face to ground, except… it didn’t happen! Her wings automatically began to flutter, causing the elf to hover over the ground. She felt relieved and giggled. She knew she was experiencing something special; something not many others were able to feel.
“I… I am… I am flying! Oh Gods! I’m actually doing it!” She declared cheerfully, while spinning around a couple of times.
“I knew you could do it, sweetie! You just needed a push!” Levi cheered, taking one of her hands while she was hovering. Devany, after groaning at Levi's pun, took her other hand, and now, the three were entering the mysterious and luminous kingdom of Adammant, home of the fairies…
Although Ilyse's eyes got used to the brightness, they couldn't quite believe what they were seeing. She was marvelled at all the fantastic things inside the fairy city: the strange plant lamps, all the flowers that were so bright and colorful, mushrooms working as platforms and houses, dragonflies, fireflies… A true spectacle of fantasy, full of magic and interesting creatures!
Ilyse could also see some furry creatures used to carry things or other fairies, they were round and fully covered in white thick fur. They had a funny appearance, almost looking like a ball of fur without any limbs or an independent head section. The only thing that could be of any resemblance of a face, were their round deep black eyes, like those of a bat.
The elf was startled and amazed at all the beautiful and amazing things around her. Devany and Levi noticed this, and smiled at her.
“Seems you really like our kingdom, Ilyse!” Devany inquired.
“It’s so fantastic! So full of brightness and color! It reminds me in some ways of…” Her gaze turned glum, remembering the times when Luxas was such a shiny and modern city…
Levi noticed her sudden sadness, and guessed the reason. “Aw sweetie, don’t be sad: When one door closes, another will open… Now, forget about your troubles and woes and have some fun!”
Ilyse cheered up, those words were what she needed to lessen the empty feeling inside her heart. Her smile was shining once again, willing to follow the two fairies that offered to her their friendship. “Thank you! You can’t imagine how much I appreciate your words; I’ll treasure them inside my heart… I will have fun, I promise!”
The elf could notice all the fairies, excited, preparing everything for today’s episode of the Vibratta Flower festival, all the lights were set, dancers were practicing, and all the food was being prepared for such a special event.
Ilyse’s stomach growled once more, which dragged the attention of one of the fairies carrying the food; green haired, way taller than Ilyse or the other two fairies, very muscular and handsome. He turned around, and offered a charming smile to the three of them.
“Seems you are hungry...” He turned to Ilyse, smiling.
The elf was blushing. “I-I’m sorry, I’ve been hungry for a while now…”
Levi was enticed by the manly fairy, so toned and big. His fantasies began to flow a little, watching the sculpted body in front of him. The green haired fairy noticed the gaze, which made him smirk.
“We found her nearby, she lost her home and has an empty stomach …” Devany answered with a smile.
“Worry not! Follow me… By the way, I’m glad you brought your friends here, Devs…” The tall fairy led the way. “What are their names? He’s very charming, and her? Is she his sister?” He asked, slightly confused.
Levi chuckled at this and shot a big smile at the male fairy. “My name is Levi Zathone, and no, she’s not my sister. We found her outside, she’s actually an elf and her name is Ilyse…”
“Pleased to meet you, sir…” Ilyse presented herself with grace.
The green haired fairy half-confirmed what he was told by noticing Levi’s lack of antennae, while Ilyse had the same pair Devany and himself showcased. The elf looked like a fairy, because of the enchantment the guards imposed on her moments ago, which still threw some questions into his mind. Devany meddled as soon as she saw his baffled face.
“Yes, the guards imposed the enchantment so she could stay with us for a while, that’s why they look like us… Now that I think of it, they really could be siblings!” Devany giggled, staring at the two redheads. Levi stuck his tongue out at her comment.
“I see now! Well, my name is Hack, and I’m pleased to meet both of you!” He smiled, especially at Levi, who smirked back in response. “Well, what about I lead you to a table nearby so you can have a little lunch before the festival? You have plenty of time…”
“Oh gods, I gladly accept your invitation! I’m starving!” Ilyse eagerly answered.
The muscular fairy led the way to a mushroom, that worked as a small buffet. Many plates full of fruits and vegetables were already served, pretty convenient for the guests, especially the redheaded and starving elf.
Quickly, she took a seat, but kept in mind the motions and education she was given. As soon as she saw the rudimentary cutlery, she began to eat, eagerly, but displaying all she was taught for being a proper princess.
Hack was amused watching Ilyse eating so much; she was truly hungry. Devany and Levi giggled to one another. It was sort of cute to see her delighted and enjoying her meal. Levi was especially happy to see her stuffing herself-it showed beyond all doubt that she liked it. Soon, one plate was finished, and the next one was already halfway. In the end, she had three full bowls of fruits and vegetables. The elf was relaxing over the chair, catching some air after eating.
“Welp, I’ve never seen someone eat that much! You really enjoyed it, huh?” Hack chuckled.
“Thank you so much, it was delicious!” Ilyse obliged, the male fairy nodded in response. “Now, I’m ready to participate! If I’m allowed in some way, that is…”
“I’m sure your help would be much appreciated, Ilyse. We need to set up many things for the festival, and more hands are always needed! Same for you, Levi…” The male fairy replied.
Ilyse nodded in agreement. After all, she had to return the favour to the fairies that were giving her not only food and shelter, but also a warm welcome and a chance to cooperate and participate with their festivities. She was eager to start to integrate herself and help her kind hosts.
The guests were shepherded to the centre of the festival, the biggest of the mushrooms serving as a platform on which many lights and a scaffold were being placed for the main attraction, which at this point, was still unknown. Ilyse swiftly chose where to help, by carrying some of the lamps to place them in many points of the platform, showing off her taste in decoration and aesthetics. Levi and Devany started to help with food and other decorations, along with Hack, who was glad to keep Levi next to him.
After a couple of hours, all preparations were set: The festival could finally start!
The brightness of the day soon receded to the dominance of dark sky. However, the festival lights keep every place illuminated with enticing lights that resemble the shining glare of magic. In the middle of the main mushroom-platform, several performers are dancing, their skins glow with the lights, and their smiles spreads the joy and hope; symbols of the Vibratta Flower.
The huge blossom was closed, showcasing an intense blue color, with some darker magenta shades and reds, just waiting for the right time to open its crystal-like petals, and disseminate its power to everyone that was celebrating. Everyone shouted and cheered with glee at the dancers, while eating and drinking juice.
At the front, Hack provided a table for himself, Levi, Devany and Ilyse, so they could have a first-rate sight over the spectacle. The redhead and curvy fairy was noticing how the more muscular and bigger fairy looked at him all the time, captivated by his beauty, which made him smirk back at him, in an exchange of flirting gazes.
The melodies the fairies used, on the other hand, were seeping into Ilyse’s instincts; contrarily from her shyness and repression, dancing made her feel free and uninhibited… the rhythms sank deep into her soul and mind, like a drug that compelled her to stand up and shake her body.
Devany had a close eye on the elf-turned-fairy, detecting the feelings emanating from her. This was, undoubtedly, a sign of her true self, that couldn’t be hidden or repressed. What she didn’t know was that Ilyse wouldn’t ever want to deny that part: in fact, she enjoyed moving along with music more than almost any other sensation.
After all, elves are creatures devoted to science, magic, crafts and many ludic activities, which obviously included dance and music. It was natural to derive that the elf was a fan of this.
Setting a hand over the elf’s shoulder, the female fairy confirmed her thoughts, sensing through her high empathy abilities what Ilyse was feeling, and made the invitation…
“You feel the music, huh? Feel free to join the dancers! In fact, we should do that too! The more the merrier! This is how the festival works… Besides, dancing makes the blessing we get from the Vibratta Flower even more powerful, as it prepares us for the main event!”
Surprised, Ilyse inquired. “Main event? W-what exactly is it about?”
“It’s a surprise…" the fairy winked "In any case, I’m sure you will enjoy it… Now, I know you are craving to move that booty, let’s go! You are our guest tonight, and we should introduce you to our customs…” Devany added with a smirk.
“That sounds fun, Devs! Let's go join in the dancers!” Levi meddled, smiling.
“That’s right, guests are invited to participate in any way, as I said earlier. Let’s go with the dancers and have some fun…” Hack held Levi’s hand, with an inviting gaze that would be incredibly difficult to resist.
Ilyse was unsure, but the rhythm was compelling, alluring… it was... calling her to the centre of the stage. She needed to vent off from all the things that happened, and were still pressing into her heart. This was the first time she didn’t hesitate to make up her mind. “Let’s go! I wish to dance…” She stood up.
The tree fairies were startled, and blinked a bit; they didn’t expect Ilyse to react that way. Even Devany was surprised how determined the freckled elf-fairy sounded. All nodded in agreement, shooting smiles like stars, standing up with her, and joining the dancers on the stage.
Devany, knowing her own rhythms, began to move in front of Ilyse, so she could follow the blue-haired fairy's example. It was a simple dance, though quite energetic, so Ilyse was soon able to pick up on Devany's moves. Soon after, her hips and body recreated the movements with both sensuality and relaxation.
Hack made the same moves with Levi, showing him some of the dance steps for this event. Both were having much fun, and enjoying looking at each other. “Don’t think I haven’t seen how you look at me, big guy… is there you want from lil’ old me?” The ginger fairy smirked to Hack.
“You…” Hack replied salaciously. “I want you and that body of yours. You are a true beauty, that’s why I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.” His hands quickly drew the feminine figure of Levi close to him, pressing his softness against his hard-rock muscles. Afterwards, the green-haired fairy moved his hands to the redhead's bubble-shaped butt, squeezing it tightly, making the fairy boy gasp.
The melodies the fairies used, on the other hand, were seeping into Ilyse’s instincts; contrarily from her shyness and repression, dancing made her feel free and uninhibited… the rhythms sank deep into her soul and mind, like a drug that compelled her to stand up and shake her body.
Devany had a close eye on the elf-turned-fairy, detecting the feelings emanating from her. This was, undoubtedly, a sign of her true self, that couldn’t be hidden or repressed. What she didn’t know was that Ilyse wouldn’t ever want to deny that part: in fact, she enjoyed moving along with music more than almost any other sensation.
After all, elves are creatures devoted to science, magic, crafts and many ludic activities, which obviously included dance and music. It was natural to derive that the elf was a fan of this.
Setting a hand over the elf’s shoulder, the female fairy confirmed her thoughts, sensing through her high empathy abilities what Ilyse was feeling, and made the invitation…
“You feel the music, huh? Feel free to join the dancers! In fact, we should do that too! The more the merrier! This is how the festival works… Besides, dancing makes the blessing we get from the Vibratta Flower even more powerful, as it prepares us for the main event!”
Surprised, Ilyse inquired. “Main event? W-what exactly is it about?”
“It’s a surprise…" the fairy winked "In any case, I’m sure you will enjoy it… Now, I know you are craving to move that booty, let’s go! You are our guest tonight, and we should introduce you to our customs…” Devany added with a smirk.
“That sounds fun, Devs! Let's go join in the dancers!” Levi meddled, smiling.
“That’s right, guests are invited to participate in any way, as I said earlier. Let’s go with the dancers and have some fun…” Hack held Levi’s hand, with an inviting gaze that would be incredibly difficult to resist.
Ilyse was unsure, but the rhythm was compelling, alluring… it was... calling her to the centre of the stage. She needed to vent off from all the things that happened, and were still pressing into her heart. This was the first time she didn’t hesitate to make up her mind. “Let’s go! I wish to dance…” She stood up.
The tree fairies were startled, and blinked a bit; they didn’t expect Ilyse to react that way. Even Devany was surprised how determined the freckled elf-fairy sounded. All nodded in agreement, shooting smiles like stars, standing up with her, and joining the dancers on the stage.
Devany, knowing her own rhythms, began to move in front of Ilyse, so she could follow the blue-haired fairy's example. It was a simple dance, though quite energetic, so Ilyse was soon able to pick up on Devany's moves. Soon after, her hips and body recreated the movements with both sensuality and relaxation.
Hack made the same moves with Levi, showing him some of the dance steps for this event. Both were having much fun, and enjoying looking at each other. “Don’t think I haven’t seen how you look at me, big guy… is there you want from lil’ old me?” The ginger fairy smirked to Hack.
“You…” Hack replied salaciously. “I want you and that body of yours. You are a true beauty, that’s why I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.” His hands quickly drew the feminine figure of Levi close to him, pressing his softness against his hard-rock muscles. Afterwards, the green-haired fairy moved his hands to the redhead's bubble-shaped butt, squeezing it tightly, making the fairy boy gasp.
“Ahh… how eager… I’m so happy Devs invited me to this festival… I didn’t know…”
“Yes…” Hack interrupted. “The main event Devs was talking about… is something you might enjoy… For the Vibratta Flower blessing to fall upon us, it’s necessary to connect with it, and the only way to do so is via that most sacred and affectionate of acts: of making love… And you, my cute friend, will be blessed a lot…” A wide smirk drew over the muscular fairy’s face.
Levi returned the smirk, throwing his arms around Hack's neck. The green haired-fairy lifted him upwards by his buttocks, so he could get him closer; face to face. "Then what are you waiting for? An invitation?" Levi teased, his shapely legs wrapping around the muscular fairy.
Ilyse continued moving along with the music, inadvertently being as sensual and luscious as she could, slowly swaying her hips, her barely covered breasts swinging as she turned, her whole body connected to the beat, drawing the most playful and dreamlike figures. Slowly fading away her thoughts and getting lost into the music, starting to become more and more aroused.
Her dance companion was enjoying the view, watching her move almost lustfully, so free from her own internal ties. The two shared the moment, making the most attractive and sensual movements two women could. “You are really enjoying this, aren’t you?”
The elf-fairy didn’t answer, but her eyes opened for a moment, while she shot the brightest smile at the blue-haired fairy. Devany acknowledged it, and just went on, dancing closer to Ilyse, forming an invisible bond, that they would notice later.
Soon, the two were close enough, their lips were almost touching, feeling each other’s scent. It was becoming enticing, bewitching… Their notion of time and awareness of their surroundings was fading away, as the second couple of Hack and Levi were approaching to dance along Ilyse and Devany…
However, the moment was suddenly interrupted, as all the fairies stopped the dance and the music. The Mother of Fairies was landing just in the middle of the stage, in all her shiny glory. She looked like a middle aged woman, but not a single wrinkle would be seen on her face; her skin looked soft and firm at the same time. Her face sported three gems on her forehead, just like the rest of the fairies living in Adammant, except they were all triangles, of a golden color, while her eyes were blue-gray, and showed no pupils, immersed in an intense glow.
Her luscious and curvy body was covered by some blue translucent leaves, that worked as the finest royal dress, and her hair had a crown made solely of rose petals. From there, two black antlers pointed to the sky, different from the magic city inhabitants. Her hair had an intense pink shade, curly, and long, up to her full and round backside. And finally, her wings, decorated deliciously with the most vibrant colors of the rainbow, much bigger that anybody else’s, and being of the form of the most beautiful of the butterflies.
The bare feet of the full figure slowly landed, catching the attention of everybody, especially Ilyse, who was completely in awe of such a magical and imposing figure. The Mother Fairy immediately darted her eyes to Ilyse, observing her carefully.
The very little clothing she had –if leaves covering her bits can be classified as clothing- left a lot for the fairy leader to see. The elf was being examined from head to toes, from her skin, to her ginger hair, from the voluptuous range of her curves, to the soft and sweet features of her angel-like face.
Her face…
The triangle… the gem…
It was her!
lyse gulped, trying to averting the gaze of the fairy leader watching her; she wasn’t sure why she was paying so much attention to her. For her comfort, the Mother Fairy disconnected her gaze from the elf-fairy; she was about to say some words for the festivity. As soon as she made the sign, everyone was attentive, looking at her.
“My beloved fairies, my little shinies! Tonight, our festival will be special, as this is our anniversary number three hundred! This means this night will be greatly special, for we have special guests today.” The pink haired fairy pointed right to Ilyse and Levi.
“For you that still don’t know me, my name is Aideen, the Mother Fairy… Now, lovelies, let me guess your names… you must be Ilyse, the elf, and Levi, the fairy that comes from the chill faraway lands of Asmana, am I right?”
Levi couldn’t hide his surprised expression, while Ilyse froze on place. “How did she know?” She muttered.
The redheaded fairy boy took a step to the front, presenting himself. “You are right, Mother Fairy. I am Levi Zathone, lewdest fairy in Asmana." Some chuckles echoed through the crowd at this. "Devany is my dearest friend and invited me to your festival, and I must say this is a wonderful celebration!”
The elf followed Levi, also presenting herself the best way she could: gracefully and politely. “A-and I am Ilyse Ar… Ilyse… and… I was invited as well, to stay some days until I can… organize myself.” She hesitated. “I am really grateful for your kindness, Mother Fairy!”
“Call me just mother, like everybody else does, honey… Same for you, Levi…” Aideen asserted. “You are most welcome… In fact, we have to get into a little chat later, after the festival ends…”
The elf felt that gaze upon her once again, while it was not fearful or evil, it had some hidden intentions… She gulped for a second time and obliged. “O-of course, mother! Anytime…”
“Okay then!” The motherly fairy returned to her people. “Let the main event begin! Enjoy the blessing of the Vibratta Flower, and let it spread into the world!”
The vibrant figure of the Mother Fairy glided just above the Vibratta Flower, shining like a diamond. Soon, the flower reacted, and opened its delicate petals, releasing a lot of small spore like shines, illuminating the whole stage like a dream.
The music resumed and all the fairies danced happily. Of course, Ilyse imitated this, and left the music take over her just like she did moments before. There was something in the air... maybe the freedom she was experiencing, maybe it was just in her head… but the rhythm was slowly making the elf feel warmer and warmer throughout her body.
As the melodies began to get slower and more mesmerizing, the fairies went further, from dancing into directly being closer. Kisses and caresses were delivered, small moans all around the place could be heard. Devany didn’t want to lose any more time and took the chance to press her curves against the back of the elf-fairy, feeling her plump and juicy butt pressing up her crotch. Ilyse gasped at the sudden hug. “W-what are you doing?” She muttered.
“Shhhhh… now the main even begins…” The fairy responded sumptuously. “Just let yourself go… you know you want it…”
“N-no! This is not…” Ilyse stammered, feeling her mound tingling from Devany’s fondling on her generous breasts. “I’m not… lewd!”
“Pffft! I knew since the very beginning; why do you try to hide it so much? You can’t refuse… you are our very special guest, along with Levi… and your body…” A hand slips through the elf’s moistened pussy lips. “This can’t lie to me…”
“Please stop… I beg you… ahn-” Ilyse tried to cover her moan with her hands.
Devany teased Ilyse’s leaf-covered pussy, still massaging her tit. “You don’t want me to stop… if that was your wish, you could just push me away…”
Ilyse stuttered and mumbled between whimpers, trying to say anything else, but the sensation was too powerful, and her more perverse side was starting to win out. She wanted this, even if her mouth said otherwise. Her hips moved on her own, desiring more of the lecherous massage over her sensitive spots. Devany widely grinned at this.
Just to the side of them, Hack and Levi started their own activities. Not wasting time, both were deeply kissing, the muscular fairy’s hands swiftly delivered sweet caresses to the redhead fairy’s body, until they stopped on his soft bubble butt, massaging it. “Mhh~ I've really wanted to do this since I saw you…”
Levi smiled mischievously, hugging Hack tightly back, feeling the muscular fairy's bulge threatening to push out from his thong, pressing into his belly. “I am loving this festival as an excuse for fucking me… but you didn’t really need it, big guy…” He joked, his own pressure poking from his skirt.
“Good to hear that… because I can’t take it anymore…” Hack inferred, as his raging erection was arising, coming out from his thong. As thick and long as the masculine fairy was, his member was ready. Surrounding them, all the fairies that came to the festival were already making their part to worship the powerful flower. A true orgy of cuddles, smooches, and bodies were forming around them.
Devany heard a bit of the talk between Levi and Hack, and had an idea that sounded both sexy and fun: “Err… guys? Since we are now four in the middle of this… and the rest look quite busy… what about making this more fun?” She requested, still fondling Ilyse through all her body.
“D-devany? Ahhn~ What are you…?” Ilyse tried to protest.
“What are you up to, Devs?” The muscular fairy asked, intrigued.
Levi looked at her, guessing Devany’s intentions. “I think I know…” he exchanged smiles with the blue-haired fairy.
The fairy boy led Hack closer to where Devany and Ilyse were standing. Now the three were surrounding the elf, who was just moaning and leaking from the female fairy’s groping. It was understood what was about to come next.
Devany started directing everything from that point, making Ilyse turn around, exposing her rear to the other two fairies, making her lay on her back afterwards. “C’mon, honey… let’s begin, I gave you good pleasure, now it’s your turn to give me some…” The fairy knelt over the elf’s face, and pushed her pelvis forwards, taking out the leaf that covered her pussy, decorated by her fancy pubic hair on top, in the form of a heart. She was already wet and willing. “Give it a lick… use your tongue… yes?”
On the other side of Ilyse, Levi took off his skirt, and the leaf that covered the other redhead's nethers. Copious amounts of pussy juice flowed from her cunt, as if from a waterfall. “Just look at this… if I didn't know better, I'd say you're really into this! Which is surely not the case now, is it?” He teased with a wink.
Ilyse tried to reply, but her attention was entirely on Devany’s pussy, and her sweet smell; the product of the nectar she was already producing. Her will was fading, letting her arousal control her actions.
“Just… let yourself go, sweetcheeks…” Levi encouraged, while being groped by Hack from behind. The muscled fairy freed up his cock, and was slowly stroking it between the femboy’s asscheeks.
Ilyse didn’t need much to finally release herself. Her tongue licked the sweet nether lips of the blue haired fairy, who let out a whimper. Anyone thinking the redhead elf didn’t have any experience servicing a woman would be greatly surprised at her actions. Devany could just take her hands to her face, delighted from the licking and suckling Ilyse was delivering to her, almost like eating the finest pastry.
Levi didn’t think twice, already spreading Ilyse’s plump and freckled legs, and pushing them up until her knees reached her chest, resembling an oyster. He now had full access to her fat, pink donut, already pulsating in anticipation. His cock prodded at the entrance, dampening it with his own delicious nectar.
“Don’t just stay there, big man… Come over here…” The fairy boy slapped his own ass as an invitation. Hack obliged, pushing his already pre-leaking cock against his tight hole. Meanwhile, Ilyse whimpered in delight. Her tongue vigorously entered Devany’s pussy, savoring every inch of it, the female fairy approving with her own moans.
After a while of teasing their respective targets, in perfect synchronization, both Hack and Levi’s shafts finally made their triumphant entrances, causing all the participants in this improvised foursome to whimper: Devany, as a side effect of Ilyse pushing her tongue deeper, as she felt her rear stretched widely by Levi, who in turn, was being impaled by the massive cock of Hack, who enjoyed the tightness more than he could imagine.
Rhythmically, both male fairies began to pump, experiencing such a delicious sensation it numbed their thinking. Hack was truly entranced, enjoying the exquisite tightness of Levi's pink hole. “Ohh… shit! This is amazing!! Uhhhh!!! You… are amazing!!” His grip on the redhead fairy’s ass was strong, slapping it with his crotch every time he thrust.
Along with the feeling in his asshole, Levi felt his own cock melting inside Ilyse’s tightness, pouring more of his nectar inside, making it even easier to push against her. The added force from Hack’s own pushing made the fairy boy go balls deep inside the elf, who was almost milking him with her tight ass.
lyse’s mewls were sweetly accompanied by Devany’s own pleasure moans. Her tongue swirled along the fairy's tender spot, and her lips kissed and sucked on her bead with lust. The elf was quickly sinking into her lechery, thinking of nothing but squeezing as much pleasure from this moment as possible, while bucking her hips wildly along with Levi’s rhythm, and tasting more of Devany’s juices.
“Hnnnnn~ G-gods! Y-you are really a box of surprises! W-who’d ever have… -ahhnn~- known you were so good at this? If you keep doing that… I’m gonna… I’m gonna…” Devany declared between moans, feeling close to her climax.
The fairy boy was thrusting harder and faster, pounding Ilyse with passion. “Fuck… I’m… so close… -uhnn-… too… I’m definitely… filling this ass up... She looks so close as well…” Levi pointed out, given how wet and excited Ilyse was.
Hack, in turn, was pretty close to orgasm as well, only able to groan while ramming his cock deeper inside the redhead fairy’s butt. “Ughh… s-so close!”
All of the four were submerged in the pleasure of the moment. The muscular fairy seized Levi’s hair, nibbling his ear erotically and pumping the redhead's butthole harder and faster. Levi, in turn, thrust harder into Ilyse’s tightness, which clenched in delight, her body was building up to a huge orgasm. Devany, still moaning loudly, bent forwards to reach the juicy and plump lips of Levi, delivering a deep and ardent kiss to the fairy boy.
Their tongues swirled and touched each other for a long while Levi’s hands cupped and massaged Devany’s tits. Ilyse kept on her suckling of Devany's nether lips, fondling her own breasts, which now had her warm milk flowing from them.
From all around them, they heard shouts of “Ahhhhhhhh… I’m gonna cum!!!”
“Yes!... I’m cumming!!!! AHHHHHHNNN~”
Whimpers, moans, cries of pleasure, bodies trembling in ecstasy as the orgy reached its end. All the fairies around were reaching their limit, their orgasmic cries echoed around the whole place, and soon, the four central participants were joining them.
An intense moan from the four lovers all came out at the same time as their climaxes hit. Copious amount of Hack's nectar filled Levi’s ass. In turn, the redhead fairy was cumming inside Ilyse’s ass, while her pussy was letting out a veritable geyser of her orgasm juices. The elf’s face dampened with Devany’s own juices as the fairy's body shook madly with the explosive force of the orgasm.
The Vibratta Flower started to shine intensely, the teal-blue glow washing over each and every one of the fairies who participated in the magnificent orgy. Not only was the sensual feeling of climaxing taking over everyone; the warm magic emanating from the enigmatic flower was covering everyone, giving them the warmth and energy they needed so badly after such an intense orgy…
The four lovers relaxed, laying on the mushroom working as a stage. No more words or sounds were heard, just their breathing… Lovingly, they cuddled up to each other, joining their bodies and sharing the contentment and satisfaction the flower was providing them. Levi rested his head on Hack’s chest, Ilyse spooned Levi, and Devany did the same, passing her arms around the elf’s waist…
And then… hugging each other, resting… they felt the magic relaxing them; making them feel drowsy…
Silence descended as the night fell over Adammant…
The festival, the Mother Fairy thought to herself, was a success…
-To be continued…
Levi: "That was such a fun night. I so very want to do it again someday..."