Friday, April 12, 2024

Ninja Trina: Small Hiatus for Volume 2

So, we finally reached the end of the first serialized volume! Yay! I'm happy I've reached this milestone. I hope you liked this episode as much as I enjoyed doing it. If you got anything to say, lemme know!

So, this small journal is to tell you that I will take a month as an hiatus from the comic, to actually work on things. Volume 2 is almost complete in the rough sketching phase, so I only need to add lettering to the pages. I will also see to get ahead with some pages of Kung-Fu Sex and have it sketched and hopefully, with lettering as well. So yep, I'll be taking a small time from next Thursday, to keep on working on kunoichi ass, and also derg deflowering.

Thank you, Thank you SO MUCH for all your support! Without you, this would probably be not possible. Know that I will set my SubscribeStar in vacation mode during this time, that way you won't be charged for stuff I'm not posting. It's only fair, right?

Cheers! See you in Volume 2!


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