The Hare and the Carrots [Traditional Media]

I had a hard week of full work... but now that I'm back, I decided to upload some stuff I did... It has been more than 5 years since I ever touched my Prismacolor pencils and my ink pen (chinesse ink?.... forgot the name in english)

As well, I tried to experiment with a more comic-general furry style (???? pointers someone?), I liked the result so far... except the colors (maybe)... I have never been good with pencil colors XD...

Now... a short story behind this ;)

There was Amber, walking around a well greened field, in there, she found a little hill, full of carrots, and a clean, pacefull and crystaline little river next to it... she was hungry after a long journey, and decided to take some and rest after.

But that place was different, indeed it was, as soon as she took a carrot, a voice emerged from it:

-Hey! What da hell are cha' doin', woman?
-Holly Carrots!!!!! A taking carrot!!- She yelled.
-Don't cha' ever seen one? Better to leave alone, woman! I'm no food!!!
-Hey guys!!!

Quicky after calling his comrades, he burped, and a green gas sorunded Amber's sensible nose. She started to feel dizzy and lost her balance, soon enough, five more of those talking carrots aproached to her. Unbeliabable but truth (and is NOT butter), they undressed and kept Amber in a position in which she could expose her privates for the lust of this nasty vegetables.

-Look at that guys! how's lokin'?- Said one
-Delicious enough, man!!!
-Enough babling!!!- Said a third one- Let's give this slut some orange power!!!!

And then... this scene started... with the only witness in the person of an ant... the end?, imagine by yourself ;)

Feel free to comment :)

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