Practice drawings... More and more...

Well... I'm trying to go on the wagon of improving myself... It's funny, this was my hobby... now I'm trying to get more serious about it...

So, here are some doodles I'm doing to practice and get the hang of things like construction, gesture drawing, perspective... By now, I am trying to construct with basic shapes, and then fleshen them out... And yes, I know I suck at semi-realistic faces... It's a shame I skipped this part in all time I had drawing, but I guess is never too late to get solid bases to move forward.

I will start doing this somewaht often so I can finally get things like I want them to be, And looking forward to reduce my mistakes to almost zero if possible.

If you have recommendations about books regarding anatomy and such, would be greatly apreciated, by now, I got all Andrew Loomis stuff from Amazon and I'm lookig forward to aplying all techniques he describes (obviously, taking in mind my current styles).

Also, if you got critiques, or guidelines on this set of practice figures, feel free to drop comments, I'm looking for improvement ;)

See ya Guys!!

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