Still way to go ;)

Well, I recently updated an images I uploaded in this blog (Encounter on a web Trap...) and I must say that you lean new stuff everyday, but is better if you have people that is willing to teach you and see you improve.

I would like to take this opportunity to say something about critiqsm, in this experience, as in other 2 before this one, I had been rejected on HF, and NO, I'm not complaining or ranting, they got their stanards, and it's OK, and you know why? Because it makes you improve and move from some confort states you are.

In there, you can find a forum called Constructive Critique, in ther you can see what you need to fix in that kind of situations (besided is not only for that).

It's really sad that I see people that simply don't take the chance to learn and instead rants about the critiques they recieve... the most used reason is their style. I know we all get an style and defending it is OK, but not when it clearly goes against aesthetics. Maybe you don't notice it at first glance (like I did in some pieces) but with time, you start to see things in a new way, and better than that, you learn really usefull ways to get in the way of improving.

I was like many people, that simply omit some steps to get the aproach, but when you see and learn from advices (like using geometry figures to construct and give perspective) and actually apliy that to your work, you see really good results and with even less effort.

I really want to give thanks to the people that always help me when I need to improve something, like:

You should check them, they got awesome art!!!
And please people, remember that we all are still learning, even people that is way better than us!! We need to be more humble and be open to learning :)

See ya!!!

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